Saturday, January 15, 2011


Hey everyone. Romeo is getting more comfortable in the public setting (good and bad news). I took him with me yesterday to get my ID made (so I can take my GED test on Monday). He behaved well for a while. He was sitting when told and staying calm, so I gave him treats while he was being calm and sitting when told to and what not. Well, after he got some treats he decided he had to bark to get more! He just let on one loud z"YIP!". I was very embarrassed, but no one seemed to mind. I told them he is just a puppy and a service dog in training. Well, honestly I have never dealt with a barkative dog before. I'm going to need to look that up and train him out of that. It seems as if when he wants something or when he is bored he barks. I told him "NO!" when he barked but I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do. A while after that one bark, I gave him a chew toy to keep him busy. He didn't bark after that. Any input?

Also, I finally got his Service Dog in Training patches on his vest.

Here's a picture of Romeo in his vest on our way back home at 11 1/2 weeks old:

Goal for today: Socialize Romeo with another dog.

Goal for this week: Get Romeo groomed

Sincerely, Danielle

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